Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Our Posters

 You can find the posters that we provided for the campus rally event in this post:

  • Academia versus the guns: Universities' crackdown shocks the world 
  • Iranian revolution timeline 2022
  • Destructive foreign policies
  • Discrimination against women and LGBTI community
  • Minorities: human rights situation of religious minorities
  • Summary of a report by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
  • Our Statement in the Campus Rally Event

     “Human beings are members of a whole,

    in creation of one essence and soul.

    If one member is afflicted with pain,

    other members uneasy will remain.

    If you have no sympathy for human pain,

    the name of human you cannot retain.”


    “Woman, Life, Freedom”, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî”, is the slogan that Iranians have been chanting in the past 73 days in response to the Islamic Republic Regime's fathomless violations of human rights. The slogan, in its essence, brings light to the systematic suppression of women's rights and all minority groups in Iran. The revolution that is currently taking place by the Iranian people began after the murder of Mahsa (Jina) Amini by the so-called morality police on September 16th, 2022. Ever since, the regime has brutally suppressed any peaceful demonstration and protest by the people, reciting its recognizable approach of the last 43 years. According to reports, more than 400 people, including 63 children, have been killed and more than 18,000 people have been arrested since the protests began. Furthermore, ethnic minorities, including the Kurdish and Baloch people have been subjected to increasing suppression at ruthless levels.

    University students and pupils have joined the forefront of the revolution throughout the country by protesting, not attending classes, and writing statements to demand justice for political prisoners and victims. In return for their peaceful protests, the regime’s security forces, specifically the police, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Paramilitary Volunteer Militia (the Basij force), and the plainclothes police have raided campuses, dorms, and high schools, and have assaulted and arrested a vast number of students. Many students have been either suspended from education or have been denied entrance to campuses until further notice. Several professors and instructors have also been dismissed or suspended due to their political stance in support of the students.

    As we are releasing this statement, many students and academics are being assaulted, detained, abducted, and held in unknown locations. Some of those detainees are being subjected to brutal interrogations, coerced confessions, torture, and rape and some are facing wrongful convictions, particularly death penalties issued by the regime’s courts. The imminent risk to students’ lives and safety in Iran is extremely dire that requires immediate action and attention from all who have the freedom of speech.

    We, the authors and signers of this statement, call on the academic community to raise their voices in solidarity with Iranians. Universities and academia have had a significant role throughout history in the fight against tyrannical regimes across the globe. Movements such as Greensboro in 1960, France in 1968, and UC Berkeley in 1985 give prominence to the power and impact of a united scholarly voice. The unity of the academic voice and leveraging our platform to promote democratic values will influence the world’s interactions with Iran and will advance the world toward peace and equality.

    To this end, we demand the following from academia and governments:

    • To identify and remove the regime’s agents from the academic environment of Luxembourg.

    • To ban the regime’s diplomats from entering Luxembourg.

    • To disengage with the regime’s lobbyists who promote the regime’s propaganda, and to amplify the collective voice of the people of Iran.

    • To boycott Iranian university officials and academics who have actively facilitated and are facilitating the regime’s attacks on Iranian students and scholars; this includes preventing their participation at international events and conferences, their collaboration to scientific discourse and publications, and their presence at academic institutions.

    • To provide protective and facilitative measures for Iranian scholars at risk or in exile; measures include creating scholarships, explicit application processes; waiving tuition and application fees, and further accommodating actions.

    • To establish and promote educational activities including funding programs and scholarly research projects that raise awareness on the human rights situation in Iran; workshops, panel discussions, conferences, and publications can be called to this matter both in the short- and long-term.

    • To call for a firm and unequivocal release of all political prisoners and detainees of the current revolution in Iran and to advocate international organizations including the United Nations and all its subsidiaries to apply maximal international pressure to hold the Regime accountable for its crimes and violations against human rights.

    • To call for a halt to and abstain from any deal or action that will financially or otherwise assist the Regime.

    30 November 2022,

    Belval Campus, University of Luxembourg

    Sunday, November 27, 2022


    Iran Revolution Timeline 2022

    There is a website that has selected the most prominent events occurred in Iran since the brutal death of Mahsa Amini by the morality police of Iran on 16th September 2022. This date was the starting day of an ongoing revolution in Iran. For more information, please click on the following link to this website: Iran timelines.

    Campus Rally for IRAN in Luxembourg

    Students, alumni, faculty, and staff from more than 100 universities arround the world are coming together for solidarity by organizing events for Iran, on November 30th. We aim to join this movement from Luxembourg, and we cordially invite you to join us.

    Right now, people in Iran face severe violence and brutal repression. While the world celebrates World Children's Day, the regime has murdered more than 50 innocent children in the last 2 months. Several universities became the scene of violent and horrendous raids, university grounds have been occupied by the Iranian regime's security forces, students and some members of faculty were assaulted, shot and wounded, arrested, and many were kidnapped and taken to unknown locations and threatened. However, not everyone is aware of this ongoing tragedy.

    In the name of #woman_life_freedom, we are here to share their story and to be their voice as they are courageously calling for freedom. As we may know, "our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter".

    Time: November 30th, 2022 - Wednesday - at 12h30 
    Location: Campus Belval, in front of Maison du Savoir (MSA)

    Our Posters

     You can find the posters that we provided for the campus rally event in this post: Academia versus the guns: Universities' crackdown sh...