Sunday, November 27, 2022

Campus Rally for IRAN in Luxembourg

Students, alumni, faculty, and staff from more than 100 universities arround the world are coming together for solidarity by organizing events for Iran, on November 30th. We aim to join this movement from Luxembourg, and we cordially invite you to join us.

Right now, people in Iran face severe violence and brutal repression. While the world celebrates World Children's Day, the regime has murdered more than 50 innocent children in the last 2 months. Several universities became the scene of violent and horrendous raids, university grounds have been occupied by the Iranian regime's security forces, students and some members of faculty were assaulted, shot and wounded, arrested, and many were kidnapped and taken to unknown locations and threatened. However, not everyone is aware of this ongoing tragedy.

In the name of #woman_life_freedom, we are here to share their story and to be their voice as they are courageously calling for freedom. As we may know, "our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter".

Time: November 30th, 2022 - Wednesday - at 12h30 
Location: Campus Belval, in front of Maison du Savoir (MSA)

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Our Posters

 You can find the posters that we provided for the campus rally event in this post: Academia versus the guns: Universities' crackdown sh...